Saturday, July 9, 2011

22 Weeks and Counting

Alright, so I haven't been on here in a while.  Well 2 months, so a long while.  I've had a few other things on the go.  

To update you on the happenings of baby #3, it's been fairly calm really.  My monthly 60 second check up at the doctor is always normal.  Blood pressure is incredible, heartbeat is there and I'm called "a machine".  Same old same old.  And no, I'm not complaining about that.  I'm very aware that I am a lucky pregnant lady and yes...I know that most friends, although wonderful and so excited for us...secretly curse my name.  While I've had friends deliver preemies 8 weeks before the charts said they should and wind up in hospitals for weeks before coming home, my kids either hang out for an extra 10 days packin' on the pounds, or shove themselves out on their due date within minutes.

The age old question of "are you finding out the gender?" has been answered.  For the first time we decided to find out what we were having.  I didn't really want to know, but I decided that Madison would be dealing with enough with a new baby in the house that she didn't need to add the "shock" of it being a boy at the same time.  So, Madison decided that if we were having a girl, we would call her Hannah Montana until she was born.  Brayden didn't hesitate in naming a boy Wayne Gretzky.  Can't really argue with that one...he IS the Great One afterall.  Off to the ultrasound, bladder thoroughly filled and we left with a blue cookie.  Wayne Gretzky it is!!

So, here I sit, 22.5 weeks in and counting.  Tired, busy as all Hell, with a boy in my gut who randomly decides my sciatic nerve is his favourite play thing.  17.5 weeks to go!  Sh$t.  Are we seriously doing this again?  Hells yes and we're doing it balls out.

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