Saturday, August 20, 2011

I Gotta Go Peeeeee

So my 2.5 year old son has been potty trained for quite some time now.  The occasional accident seeps in here and there, but for the most part, this kid has been a Pull-Up free, Spiderman/Buzz Lightyear/Lightening McQueen big boy underwear phenomenon.  

He made it almost too easy.  He wanted to use the potty just like his big sister...actually, he was far better at it than she was.  Even over night was going tremendously well.  Never wet his bed, wearing big boy underwear for 2 months all night with no issues...until a few nights ago.  Total regression (IN MY DAMN BED) on that one.  Oh well, sheets can be cleaned, mattresses decontaminated and Pull-Ups reapplied while sleeping.  He asks each night now why he needs to wear them, but thankfully doesn't seem to be worried about it.

His game?  EVERY time we set foot in the grocery store, he says he's got to go peeeeee.  We kneel down to his level and have a heart to heart..."Do you really have to pee, or do you just want to go upstairs?".  He swears he really needs to go.  We, of course know better...but, when you're potty training a kid, you've got to listen when they say they need to go right?  

So, thankfully today it was BEFORE I loaded up the cart and stood in line waiting to pay for the groceries (which is the usual case).  Up we went, big sister in tow.  She used the potty with great success.  He however, sat there goofing around and whining that it wouldn't come out.  I try to reason with him.  Tell him that it's now or never, I'm NOT coming back up those stairs.  I suggest trying the potty next door as it's a bit lower to the ground. door we go.  Nope, same devlish grin on his face.  He says he just can't go and will wait until we get home.  Ugh.

Fine, a-shopping we will go.  Cart full, groceries paid for and packed up in the dreaded 5 cent plastic bags as I hadn't really planned on going shopping on the way home.  Head back outside, find the car just where we left it, struggle to get 2 children out of the shopping cart (quite comical to watch a 7 month pregnant belleh deal with that I'm sure)...then wedge the 5 over sized scandalous plastic bags filled with gluten free pizza crusts, various fruits and cotton candy ice cream, into random spots between, behind and inside of the collapsed Joovy Caboose in the trunk.

Leave the parking lot..."Mommyyyyyy, I have to peeeeeee" comes from directly behind the driver's seat and with a quick glance in the mirror, I can see 2 little legs wiggling.  Ugh number 2.  I can see that he really does have to go, but really?  What's a mother to do?  Pull over to the non-existent shoulder on the road and let him pee on the grass?  Nope.  I visualize my drive home and what's on the road ahead.  

Never thought I'd say this, but today, Taco Bell and KFC were my friends.  Phew crisis cream softened, but I'd take that over having to disassemble a car seat for a good old Friday night wash n' dry any day.

By the time we get home and I get everything and everyone unloaded, I hear those cursed words again.  Seriously dude???  I have a 15" human practicing ancient martial arts on my bladder 24/7 and YOU have to pee?  Again?  Sure did.  Like a trucker.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Little Miracle

So today, my best friend gave birth to a beautiful, healthy and only a couple of weeks early, baby boy.  Wee little Charlie has put his Mommy through the ringer (and his Daddy too), but he's here, he's healthy and he's 2 hours away from me.  Damn kid.

Were it not for work, 2 small and 1 large gorgeous faces to come home to, I'd be at that hospital right now stealing snuggle time from a very proud Daddy, exhausted Mommy and ridiculously excited big sister.  But, here I sit...itching to jump in the Yoda and head out there, gifts in tow.

Funny how when I talked to Charlie's Dad today, he kept asking me how I was my little one was treating me.  Dude, I'm fine!  I didn't just spew a watermelon out of places I wish I never knew about.  Then I, I'm about to do that...again.

Ah, I can handle that.  I've done it twice before.  Once induced (Madison, true to character, took her sweet old time showing her face) and once at home, as a surprise urgent delivery, masterfully handled by my Paramedic husband (he may not be allowed to handle electricity, but that man can deliver my baby any day...just not November 8th because that is SO not happening again this time). 

My worries lie in what happens when "Wayne Gretzky" comes home.  The cat will be pissed...possibly quite literally the bastard, the dog will be defeated..."oh great, another one".  Madison will be a phenomenal help as she's already decided that she will be the one carrying her baby brother to his crib each night.  Sure, knock yourself out, babies bounce right?  Brayden...well, he'll have a love-hate relationship going on I think.  He's a sweet, sweet boy and will adore his baby brother, but will HATE that he will have to wait 2.2 seconds to get his chocolate milk now that I have to remember how to pour while balancing an infant in my arms.

As I do live in Canada, is 1 month too early for an infant to be pulled around by his siblings on a toboggan in white out conditions?  Thankfully we will be out of mosquito season by then so I don't have to worry about him being carried off by Deet-immune mutants...but then, there are the polar bears.  

For some odd reason, the thing that stays on my mind the most, is how on Earth I will manage to get 3 kids aged 5 and under to bed each night.  Short of duct taping them Red Green style to their beds, I guess I'll just have to figure that one out on the fly.

Now that I know little Charlie is here and he is safe, thanks to his amazing mother and father who endured I believe it was 8 weeks of bedrest and multiple trips to L&D...I swear that woman is a fighter far beyond anything X-tina could ever belt that I know he's safe, little Wayne gets my full baby brain laden attention.  Just under 14 weeks to go...Jesus H Christ, do you have any idea how fast 14 weeks goes???  Well, 13 will fly by.  The final week will feel like a marathon at the end of the Lake Placid Ironman, right Kevin Conners?

Now I start trying to remember what babies need.  Crib?  Check.  Blankets?  Ridiculously checked.  Clothes?  Um...working on that one.  

We'll get there.  In 14 weeks, we'll be bringing home our own little miracle for the 3rd time.  Until then, I get to enjoy my time as a Mommy of 2 incredible little people who make me laugh, smile, melt and want to punch a brick wall every day.  Of course I don't...I don't think Tarion would cover that sort of damage.