Sunday, May 15, 2011

Something So Simple

Who would have thought that something so simple could bring such a huge smile to 4 faces today (well, 5 if you count the dog)?

Wellies, rubber boots, rain boots...whatever you call them...were the catalyst of joy on a cold and rainy Sunday afternoon.  Ignoring the 20 minute fight to get 2 small children ready to head out (including convincing/forcing them to wear sweaters under their raincoats, splash pants over their legs and their wellies instead of the fancy light up Spiderman running shoes that are the current favourite), then rainy days in our house RULE!

We decided to be good dog owners and bring along the pooch too.  If she could full-on smile, she most definitely did today.  

Trudging along behind a 2 year old in a bright yellow slicker, navy splash pants and yellow wellies, a 4 year old wearing a pink raincoat lined with apple patterned fabric, pink splash pants and pink princess adorned wellies, finding any and every giant puddle along the pathway through the park behind our house...priceless.

I was wearing my $12 Walmart special wellies too, so I joined right in.  Because it was pouring rain, no-one else was outdoors, so we let Suki run loose for a while in the park as well (don't tell the neighbours...though I'm sure many of them were staring at us through cracked blinds, shaking their heads in disbelief...we were crazy and we loved it).  Today, I was the best Mommy ever for about 20 minutes.  To see the absolute joy on the faces of my kids, by simply letting them run wild through countless puddles and splashing as much as they wanted...I would do that any day of the week.  Hell, I'd be willing to flood the backyard to see that again.  I think Andrew would too.  

A walk in the rain.  Splashing to our heart's content.  Watching the family of geese teaching their babies how to swim in the pond behind our house.  Watching the dog run freely through the fields.  We all had so much fun doing something so simple.


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Make That 1.5

Remember that post I did not too long ago?  The one about the babies surrounding me...old classmates, best friends, celebrities.  And how I was "happy" when I could send those adorable mini people back home to their Mommies...ya, well SCRAP THAT!!

My million dollar family is now worth a cool 1.5.  Baby #3 will make their debut sometime in early November.  We're happy, we're excited...we're exhausted.

Madison insists that this be a baby sister for her.  Brayden says it's a boy baby.  Madison, my stubborn little mini-me, INSISTS this be a baby sister.  We'll see who gets their way soon enough.

Oh and if ONE more person asks me if we were trying, I think I might turn all Mama Bear on their ass.

So, this summer, while many of you are quite literally working your asses off...I'll be getting nice and fat, eating my (gluten free) cake...and yours...and yours...