Monday, September 10, 2012

What Would Your Answer Be?

Earlier this evening I was sitting on my couch scouring Facebook while a cheesy chick flick played partially unnoticed in the background.  A friend of mine posted a link.  I clicked on said link and watched a short video about a woman from New Orleans who, with a simple gesture, created something so incredibly powerful.

By taking the side of an abandoned building in her neighbourhood and turning it into an oversized chalkboard, she, with a simple unfinished sentence, allowed the hopes and dreams of hundreds (and now millions) of people, find a safe place to land.  "Before I die I want to..."

Insert answer here.

Silly, intriguing, superficial, inspiring...whatever the answer, those letters etched in chalk on the wall of that abandoned building are someone's hopes and dreams for what they want their lives to be.

What would your answer be?  How would you complete that sentence if you could answer it with complete anonymity?  Go ahead...think about it...I'll wait...ok that's long enough.  I've got 3 kids, a load in the dryer and I've got to hit the loo before bed.

Now that you have committed to your answer inside your mind, stop being a chicken shit and commit to it on the outside.  Pick up the chalk.