Thursday, November 13, 2014


When your kids are sick, it's like they're yo-yos.  One second they are curled up under a blanket watching a moving and not moving a muscle, the next, they're running up and down the halls playing Power Rangers with their little brother.

Sometimes you just have to listen to that little (or sometimes loud and overbearing) Mommy voice that says "nope, not quite right".

Last Tuesday, Brayden went to the dentist for a filling (yes, it makes you feel like a crap parent when they have to get them, but that's another post for another time).  My husband brought him while I was at work.

By the time I came home, B's lower lip was gargantuan.  I'm talking Bubba Blue from Forest Gump big...nope, not even sure that covers it.  More like Mike Wazowski after a battle with the glowing urchins in Monsters University.

Please don't sue me, this picture and all associated characters are the property of Disney Pixar.  I'm just trying to prove a point.
Ok so maybe that's a slight exaggeration...but only a slight one.  Apparently Brayden had chewed on his lip when it was numb and it ballooned.  It got so large it actually split a bit. 
The next day, he didn't want to go to school, but being a responsible mother who doesn't let her child get away with not going to school just because someone might ask them why their lip is fat, I sent him...with a note to his teacher that if he couldn't handle the day, to give me a call and I'd come get him.  So she did, around noon.  Apparently he got extremely quiet and just went and lay down.   
Thankfully I work for a very understanding company where I can take my computer home to work when things like this happen.    The following day, I sent B back to class, still fat lipped and miserable, but hey, no slackin' right?  No sooner had I sat at my desk when the school called for me to come and get him again.  Now my work is understanding...but I can't ask them to be THAT understanding.  Enter awesome grandparents to the rescue.  B spent the day resting at their house and thankfully finally ate something (he hadn't eaten in almost 2 days at this point).  
Friday rolls around.  Andrew decides he needs one more day at home just to make sure (lip still swollen, not much eaten as it was REALLY sore).  Sigh, Brayden insisted he needed just one more day...ok fine.  BUT, my condition was Brayden see a doctor to make sure it wasn't infected.  B spent the day "resting" (aka running and playing like a crazy man with his little brother) and never went to the doc as clearly, he was feeling better!  (Enter relieved Mommy.)  Except I wasn't really.  Nope, something just wasn't right.
Friday night Andrew leaves for work and as is always the case, the kid goes down for the count.  Shivering, moaning, crying, fevered...just another fun Friday night in our house.  His mouth looked horrible, he wasn't eating, he had a high fever (can't tell you how high as when I went to use our thermometer, I discovered it was in pieces...of course...2 days later it had come down slightly and based on a friendly neighbour's tympanic thermometer, read 102).
Off to the doc we went.  Two different meds, both 3 times a day and 3 school days back under our belt and the kid's finally smiling again!  Sometimes, you really do just have to listen to the Mommy voice telling you when something isn't right.  And sometimes, SOME times, you just have to listen to the damn kid.

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