Sunday, December 23, 2012


Looking back at 2012 through this blog and this is what I see. 4.  Four blog entries in the entire year of 2012.

Surely I must have had more than 4 thoughts in 12 months!?  Surely more than just that has happened in the life of a mother of 3 and wife of one.  And yes, I do realize that I am mixing the use of numerals and writing out the numbers here, but hey...that's how I roll.

So to catch you all up on the events of the last year in my life...I was home on maternity leave, spending every waking (and unconscious) moment with my 3 amazing children.  I started a side business as a Consultant doing direct marketing (I throw parties where I sell you shit, but it's good shit that helps families like mine live healthier, more flavourful lives and I love it).

I went back to playing soccer after a year off due to the "condition" of having a human draining the life force out of me whilst attached to my inner Mommy parts, went up for a header and came down with a gushing gash on my eyebrow and broken face (and just so you know, I slapped on a Band-Aid band-aid, drove myself home for a quick inspection by my paramedic hubby, then drove myself to the hospital out of town for stitches...because that's how this Soccer-Mommin', van driving (oh ya, got one of those too) Mutha does it).

I spent a summer watching my kids play soccer, bounce in their bouncer, learning to crawl, take their first dance lesson, earn their first medal, cutting the ends off countless freezies, setting up playdates and running out of propane for the barbeque at the most inopportune moments.

We drove (yes drove) the kids to Florida for an incredible family reunion filled with so many wonderful memories, Princess and Pirate makeovers, Haunted Houses, Wizards, overpriced souveniers, and sand in everyone's unmentionables (that I just mentioned) and we loved it.  But I will never do that again.  Wouldn't change a second of the trip, but will never repeat it.

Skip to the fall and I've got a full on grade oner, a kid who NEEDS to be in school but missed out by 15 days and a broken-toothed snuggly bear who has my whole world wrapped around that tiny little know, the one I'm constantly trying to pull out of random things like ears and noses and electrical sockets.

One month of the school year in and we hit the birthday parties.  Harry Potter for my now 6 year old (which was a huge success because Mama is da BOMB!) and jungle themed for my now toddling 1 year old.  Skip forward a few more days and we have Daphne, a spotted monster and a tiger roaming the hood begging for candy, the addition of another cat and we're into the holidays.

Back to the "real world" of working where I get to talk to grown ups every day (in physical form only...if you know anyone who works in radio it is abundantly clear that we never truly grow up mentally).  Oh and a whole OTHER level of Mommy Guilt...any working mom will know what I mean by that one.

So, as 2012 prepares to come to a close and we await the arrival of  a right jolly old elf who undoubtedly left out the items that the kids just "had" to have, inevitably leaving them whimpering over their mountains of house cluttering crap, I come full circle.  I'm about to hit "publish" on another blog penned after 2a.m., knowing that morning will come far too quickly for a non-coffee drinking Mommy of 3.  It's like I never left.

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